Publishing 2.0 (or is it 3.0?)

I imagine I will post from time to time, as I spend a LOT more time working this business, rather than talking about the company. In the year and a half that I have been publishing, a lot has changed, and a lot is changing yet. I would like to spend just a few words...

Eric Quigley – Art of The Aliens 01

So, a ‘long’ time ago (a few months) I asked Jeff Brown if he knew anyone who could help me create aliens and he pointed me at an artist by the name of Eric Quigley. Now, Eric has a certain style and I was good with it because “I wanted something...

New Kurtherian Art for the Omnibuses

So, we’ve been working on new covers for the Omnibuses, but it got stopped because yours truly (Michael) was slammed with stuff and the omni’s just got no love. Then, you know, fans happened 😉 Someone mentioned (I think Andrew Dobell) about the first Omni...

NEVER SURRENDER Snippet 07 of …

UNEDITED “I see you’re not drinking some of that new revolutionary stuff,” Ghyr-lihk told Maek-ven as he slid into the booth the Captain occupied. The lights were low in this spaceport bar. Usually, it was the haven of captains and upper ranked...