Fan's Pricing Saturday Banner


Note:  We request the price changes from Amazon on Friday afternoons. Unfortunately, they don’t change all of the prices at one time. Please double check the price before clicking “Buy”.)

It’s Fan’s Pricing Saturday for October 26, 2019! Woot Woot!


Today’s list of books is outstanding! We really worked hard to bring you a killer list of books at deeply discounted prices!

All of these new releases are 99c for one day only! 

However, they are also available in Kindle Unlimited!

Grab them today before the prices go up!


Rewriting Justice Boxed Set

Rewriting Justice Boxed Set


Leira Chronicles complete boxed set Image

The Leira Chronicles: The Complete Austin Series


Thor eBook Cover



Steel Dragon eBook Cover

Steel Dragon


Chuck Dixon eBook Cover

Chuck Dixon’s Paranormal Double Pack


Liv Beaufont Boxed Set 2

Unstoppable Liv Beaufont Boxed Set #2


Battle for the Nine Realms Ebook Cover

Battle For The Nine Realms


The Idlewood Collection eBook Cover

The Idlewood Collection


Death of an Author eBook cover

Death Of An Author


To Find A Witch eBook Cover

To Find A Witch


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