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Rise of the Grandmaster Book One: Game On

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Game on e-book coverGame On:

Some people just knew how to go out in style.

Note: This book was previously published as part of the megabook Rise of the Grandmaster.

Tim had never been one of those guys.

Tim was always a planner.

The plan was to get into college, graduate, and find a well-paying job.

That plan was coming together nicely until he saw a presentation to get paid to play The Etheric Coast.

At his graduation ceremony.

After watching the company’s employee recruitment video, Big Richie’s words had a whole new meaning.

He could spend his life going from a cubicle at work to a one-bedroom apartment and back again…

Or he could take a leap of faith by entering a virtual world of unlimited possibilities.

And get paid.

Now he just has to figure out how to get the job of his dreams, help his parents financially, and catch the attention of the girl of his dreams.

It was time for him to catch his wave.

Tim sure hoped it didn’t kill him first.

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