LMBPN Publishing welcomed two new collaborators to the company at the end of 2022. Gam Rodriguez, writing as G.Z. Rodriguez, and Dan Vargas, writing as D.J. Vargas, co-authored the Progeny series together, eventually working with LMBPN to publish the series which is the culmination of three years working together from inception to publishing.

Gam is a family man who enjoys reading and working out in the mornings. Dan is a “quintessential nerd.” He loves comics, video games, board games, and sci-fi.

The two have been working together on The Progeny Wars since 2018 and their writing career took off in December 2021 when the series launched.

The two have answered these interview questions below – Gam’s answers come after G.Z. and Dan’s are as D.J.

We hope you enjoy the interview!


Are you a full-time author? If so, what did you do before you became a full-time author? If not, what do you do for a living in addition to writing?
(G.Z. – pictured right) – Not a full-time author.  I’m currently a Senior Systems Engineering Specialist for an immigration law firm.
(D.J) – Part-time author. I am a Principal Software Engineer and an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy.

Are you a pantser, plotter, or pantser? Have you changed over time or have you always been that? And how does it work for you?
We started as pansters but when you have three books to write switching to plotter became easier.  For the first book, we simply went with the flow, but we needed a way to keep the storyline consistent and plot hole free. Switching to plotter helped us immensely.

What does an average day look like for you?
(G.Z.) – I wake up at 4:00 AM to be at the gym at 5:00 AM.  I then begin work at 8:00 AM and if no meetings conclude around 5:00 PM.  In the evening hours, I’ll usually spend it with the wife and kids, either watching a movie, a visit to Disney World or simply taking a stroll around the neighborhood.

(D.J.) – I normally wake up around 7 AM. I’ve been working from home for over 8 years, so I often roll out of bed onto my desk chair. I get my two boys of the bus in the afternoon and spend some time with them. I’m an avid board gamer and I get together with a group every Tuesday to play some games.

Every author has their own unique method when it comes to writing. What is your routine when you sit down to write?
We collaborate on various ideas and the direction of a storyline beforehand.  Once we’ve plotted out those ideas, we let our pantser side kick in and work on designated chapters.  We then reconvene and share our perspective chapters to ensure that we are both pleased with it and it is consistent with the storyline.

What in your life helped to create your stylized vision for your character/world and how have things in your current life helped to further that stylized world/character?
(G.Z.) – I would say various things.  We are both given to biblical, philosophical, and religious studies while enjoying fantasy and sci-fi books and movies.  We simply took our interests and merged them into one.  A world full of fantasy yet with realized life themes.

(D.J. – pictured left) – I’ve been reading fantasy and sci-fi since I was in grade school. English was not my first language so one of the ways I learned was by borrowing books from the library at my school. The personalities of many of our characters are a combination of the traits of people we have known.

What would you say is the hardest part of the writing process for you, and how do you yourself, overcome it when creating a novel?
(G.Z.) – For me, it would be taking the time to sit and write.  Juggling between family, work and daily responsibilities can be a challenge.  Also, as a co-author, you need to ensure that your partner is available as well.  I found that creating a set schedule helps overcome this obstacle.

(D.J.) – The challenge for me is to stay on focus when I am writing. So many times, I’m writing a chapter and the next thing I know I am researching the weather patterns in Eastern Africa. My desire to be attentive to even the small details can often be a hindrance to getting the writing done.

Why do you write?
(G.Z.) – I love creating though not so much writing.  Putting together worlds, characters, plots, themes – all of it fascinates me.  It’s what I enjoy the most in writing.

(D.J.) – I love world-building. When I was a child, I would create intricate stories to go along with my lego creations. Some of these stories spanned millennia and saw the rise and fall of dynasties in the battle between the forces of good and evil. Writing as an adult is simply the continuation of that vivid imagination I’ve always had.

If you could have known one thing before you started writing that you know now, what would that be?
Plot first and then write later.  As mentioned earlier, we were first panster writers.  Plotting the story beforehand helped with the continuity of the story and gave it direction.

Who has been the most inspirational person for you when it comes to writing? Why?
(G.Z.) – I may sound biased, but my partner in crime – D.J.  I began this journey solo and along came D.J. with his ideas and themes.  This story (The Progeny Wars) wouldn’t have taken off if he wasn’t there to assist.  I’m truly grateful for his friendship, guidance, and input.

(D.J.) I really enjoy the accounts of successful authors who struggled to get published but overcame the odds. But most of all, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do this in the first place without G.Z. I struggle with imposter syndrome, and I would have never convinced myself to put my work out there without him lighting a fire under me.

What advice would you give writers struggling with their own vision and worlds, characters and subjects on how to best go forth with their writing, instead of allowing the negativity of their own minds to keep them from doing something?
(G.Z.) – Be persistent.  Persistency was what got us published.  The Progeny Wars series was three years in the making.  It took a while to find a publishing company and to complete the series but persistence paid off.

(D.J.) – Your work will never be perfect, so stop worrying about perfection. The desire for perfection can often be the greatest obstacle to getting something published. Work through the fear of rejection and once it is good enough, get it out there.

Have you ever pushed yourself to the point of burnout and how did you recover from it?
(G.Z.) – Rest.  There were times we really wanted to finish the manuscript but no matter how much we pushed it, the ideas wouldn’t flow.  Taking a day or a week off helped put things in perspective.

(D.J.) – Hobbies and community. Some of the best ideas have come to me by doing something completely unrelated to writing.

What tip would you give to a creative writing class?
(G.Z.) – The best story you can write are those things in life you are passionate about.

(D.J.) – Don’t forget to enjoy the process. Don’t just write your story, live it, don’t just create the characters, love them.

What genres do you enjoy reading? Who is your favorite author(s) in those genres?
(G.Z.) – I enjoy urban fantasy by Rick Riordan and Ransom Riggs, or Sci-fi by James Dashner.  I also enjoy mysteries books by David Baldacci.

(D.J.) – I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk. Sarah J Maas, Timothy Zahn, Neal Stephenson, Frank Herbert, J.R.R. Tolkien, G.R.R. Martin.

Now for some fun questions.

What is your favorite cocktail?
(G.Z.) – I like a frozen Margarita though can’t have them often due to the sugar content.
(D.J.) – Moscow Mule

What is a food you’ve never tried, but want to?
(G.Z.) – I don’t have any in mind but would have to be some kind of Asian type of dish.
(D.J.) – I have a pretty eclectic palate, nothing comes to mind right now.

What are your hobbies?
(G.Z.) – I enjoy working out and building model airplanes and Legos with my boys.
(D.J.) – Playing and collecting board games. I have a decent sized collection and growing.

If you could sit down and visit with any person, past or present, who would it be and why?
(G.Z.) – I think it would be Abraham Lincoln.  I would love to know what made him so tenacious even under such challenging times.
(D.J.) – Heigel, or any other of the continental philosophers. I’d like to know if they were saying anything or just spouting sophisticated sounding gibberish for the clout.

If you could sit down and visit with any AUTHOR, past or present, who would it be and why?
(G.Z.) – I think it would be the Apostle Paul.  His accredit with writing thirteen books of the bible, most of any author biblical author.  His writing about Christ, Christianity and the church have always fascinated me.

(D.J.) – J.R.R. Tokien, so may questions about the Silmarillion.

What would be your perfect vacation?
(G.Z.) – Hawaii having a Margarita along with my wife and boys.
(D.J.) – Tropical Island in a resort

If you could pick ONE supernatural/paranormal/alien creature that could be real, what would it be and why?
(G.Z.) – Superman – I guess he had everything I want a supernatural being to have.  Man of steel, super strong and can fly (even in space).

(D.J.) – Old Ones from Cthulhu mythos, eldritch madness is a fascinating concept.

Marvel or DC?
(G.Z.) – Marvel
(D.J.) – Marvel

Star Wars or Star Trek?
(G.Z.) – Star Wars
(D.J.) – Star Wars

Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
(G.Z.) – We all know Han shot but had the talk to make Greedo look guilty.
(D.J.) – Han, he was a smuggler and an opportunist. He became a hero later.

Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gzdjauthors
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22042684.G_Z_Rodriguez