cropped-Death-Becomes-Her-Cover.jpgHello and thank you for reading this update on the Kurtherian Gambit series! 

Editing Status:  I have engaged an editor over the weekend and the first two books are in her queue.  I did go back and personally edit Queen Bitch (TKG02) and was pretty surprised with just how many mistakes I allowed to be released.  That you readers slogged through the story with the errors is a testament that you are the best fans anywhere.  I worked on and updated Queen Bitch to fix the glaring errors on 11/28/2015.

I will update the book descriptions to let everyone know the books are ‘in the edit queue’.

Release Date for “Bite This – The Kurtherian Gambit 04”

I’ve set my release date goal for December 15th.  This will NOT have the editing by the external editor for this date.  I will have her edit the book, however; she will be busy with the first three books for a few weeks (which will include her other jobs I presume).  As a reader, I would gladly look over any issues my favorite authors would have in their script just to get my next fix a month early.  I know I might be in the minority feeling this way, so I’ll get my readers feedback and release the following books as appropriate.  If you would like a chance to review for editing remarks early, please contact me ( and I can share the story a few days early in exchange for your help finding the big issues.

Ever wanted to name a character in a book?

I am thinking of adding a page on the website to see if my readers would like to help dream up people used in the series.  My ‘grand vision’ for the series is huge.  I looked at the way I read stories, and how I enjoy just getting stuck in with my favorite characters and reading the days away and structured this story arc to cross CENTURIES.

Yes, we are in the present day world, but eventually, we will get into the near future, then the far future.  There are many opportunities to inject fun ways to include fan’s support into the series and have that support be with us forever.  Maybe it is something as simple as a two-bit thug that get’s drained dry?  Maybe a politician that runs through a couple of books or a character I thought would be a ‘here and gone character’ becomes a regular. I’m thinking of Stephen at this moment. I’m not suggesting you provide the information about a hated ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, so any suggestions need to be truly fictional characters. 🙂

I don’t know and I certainly can’t promise more than a name you provide is used.  However; my thought is to add a list to the end of each book and give credit to those who have suggested characters that I used in the book.  I’m sure I have to ‘cover my bases’ and make sure it is understood the characters are freely given and freely used, however; I think it could be fun to share.  What do you think?

Interacting with you is a joy

Reading your reviews and comments is a real pleasure (well, except the editing comments but that is my own fault and I appreciate these comments as well.  If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t spend your time to write!)

That any of you took the time to sign up to my mailing list (Here: or dropped a note on Facebook (Here:, left a review on any of the books (THANK YOU SO MUCH!) Bought and read the books and are encouraging the continuing stories is simply amazing.

Sharing Books Sold & Read

Right now, December looks to double the books sold and read in November.  Now, that isn’t totally fair since the first book, Death Becomes Her, was released on November 2nd with no marketing, no reviews or anything.  However; the second book and third book were released in November.  So far in December (Dec 6th) I’ve reached 40% of the total number of books sold and read (Kindle Unlimited) in November.  So, somewhere around the 12th to the 15th of December, we will catch up and pass the total monthly sales in November.  That timing is right before the fourth in the series will be released.

Nice how that is working out.  Assuming Christmas doesn’t derail everything, that means the 5th book will hit by the 12th-15th in January (I’ll shoot for earlier, but I hate missing even a soft date expectation).

Humor is a Personal Opinion

One of the most recent review titles was Unexpectedly funny“. That was a hoot to read because I like sass.  I enjoy snarky talking back and forth between the characters I read and I wasn’t sure anyone would find what I find funny, funny themselves.  In the latest story, Eric and Gabrielle have ‘a moment’ where Eric makes the mistake of alluding that Gabrielle might be a little fat.

Really bad decision on his part.

As I go back though the chapters and try to do some clean up, I find myself laughing at the stuff I wrote.  It’s a nice feeling to know I can make myself laugh (my wife will often comment about me laughing at my own joke with nary a smile on her face).  So, it feels good to know I can throw a smile on my readers faces as well.

I hope you enjoy the series and know I will continue to update the books.  As far as I know, you always have the ability to download the latest version no matter what with Amazon anytime in the future.  If you come back to the series in the next month, please consider deleting your version of the book and downloading the latest version.  If you want to check the description, I’ll add when the update includes the editors comments.

Have a Great December!
