Blazing Witch

Blazing Witch

Scarlett Prynne and her magical feline companion are marked for death.

The “Bald Baddies,” officially known as the Luminous Veil, have big plans to control the minds of the rich and powerful. Scarlett’s travels have made her a roadblock, which can’t be allowed.

The fight against Darrin Redthorn and his minions was nothing compared to what these thugs bring to the party. They’re magically powerful and utterly vicious.

And they have friends.

Runeclaw’s leap into the enemy’s portal has denied them one of their gathering spaces. But a group this powerful, this old, surely has some in reserve.

The prisoner who Scarlett and the Witches on Wheels rescued shows no signs of waking from her magically induced slumber. Even Snow, the Spell Riders’ biggest brain, can’t figure out why. And each day that passes increases the likelihood that the enemy will try to retrieve her.

Danger on every side. Fortunately, Scarlett and her allies are always ready for a fight. This time, they’ll need to be.

When it comes right down to it magical against magical and motorcycle against motorcycle. Provo will see a battle in the streets unlike anything it’s ever experienced. Will a magical cat tip the scales?

Don’t miss out on the rampaging action and adventure!

For action, magic, snarky banter, martial arts, mystical creatures, and a dash of mystery, join Scarlett and Runeclaw on their next adventure.

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About the Author
Martha Carr

with Michael Anderle

Okay, I'm a late bloomer who's a big DC comics fan and spent my childhood summers on the Jersey shore in the U.S. but have had a weird wanderlust to live in different parts of America ever since. That's enough about me. Need to feel inspired today? Looking for something to make you root for an ordinary hero? I'm all about that in everything I write.

I love a good tale that makes me wonder about things and I love a story even more that leaves me feeling inspired or like I'm capable of doing more than I realized. That's my goal with everything I've ever written. Some of the stories I tell involve twisting, turning thrillers and others have a lot of magic.

There's something to be said for getting lost in another world and coming out the other side feeling a little better about yourself or the possibilities in front of you. That's basically the best part of life in a nutshell, no matter what kind of story I'm setting out to tell.

Thank you for checking out my stories! There's more at

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