Path of Flames

Path of Flames

How do you fight an enemy you barely understand, let alone see coming?

Project Viridian promised a new frontier, but for Helen, it's become an alien battleground. With her life flipped upside down, can Helen survive long enough to see rescue ships that might never arrive?

Hunter Allen regrets his choice as the mission spirals out of control. Should he have called Vincent, the only man never to fail him? Now, with Helen missing, will Vincent heed the call for the sister he left behind?

Vincent is on a collision course with his past, determined to save Helen at any cost.

But can he face the demons of a life he tried to leave behind? And what of Nomi, who sees the hero beneath the scars—will their budding connection survive the trials ahead?

Layani sees the invaders’ ships, but are they harbingers of doom or saviors? Can her people reclaim their sacred grounds, and what ancient secrets might they unearth if they do?

Other LMBPN Books in "Code Name Viridian"
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About the Author
Bradford Bates

with Michael Anderle

About Bradford Bates
Bradford Bates is a full-time author, husband to an incredible wife, and father to four furry rescue dogs. He lives in sunny Phoenix Arizona, trying not to melt in the oppressive heat of the summer. When he isn't busy writing the next book, you can find him playing video games, and watching scary movies.

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