Capture Death Snippet 02 of …

UNEDITED QBS Shinigami Baba Yaga halted in her room, her eyes narrowed in concern. “Shinigami?” “Yes?” “Are there creatures that can eat this ship?” the ink-black woman asked. “Of course,” the EI admitted. “Didn’t you know this?” “Well,” Baba Yaga thought about the...


LMBPN is the publishing company for the Kurtherian Gambit, Oriceran, Protected by the Damned and other Universes. In addition to Michael Anderle, we have published in ebook, book, and audio format collaborations with Justin Sloan, Craig Martelle, TS Paul, CM Raymond,...

Reawakening Released!

CM Raymond & LE Barbant have released “Reawakening: The Rise of Magic 02” Worldwide exclusively on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. It went LIVE This morning after many hours of gnashing of teeth, sacrifices of the rubber chickens and finally the Amazon...