DON’T CROSS THIS LINE – Snippet 10 of …

UNEDITED QBS ArchAngel en route, Earth Bethany Anne, dressed down in jeans and a white sweatshirt, nodded to the two guards in front of Jean Duke’s weapons development area entrance, “Gentleman,” she said to the two guards.  She hadn’t met either one of them.  Not an...

WE WILL BUILD 11 Out of …

Bobcat retorted, “Bullshit!  You said if I could make a donut in the moon’s one-sixth gravity that you would ask Gabrielle out on a date!” Jeffrey set his reports down.  While he was holding some of the best information related to the moon’s surface known to mankind,...

DON’T CROSS THIS LINE – Snippet 07 of …

UNEDITED Inside Schwabenland Base, Antarctica Maria nodded to her two guards.  Both Hans and Horst nodded back as she stepped into the meeting room.  Their base, once they brought the heaters online, was a very comfortable seventy-four degrees.  All of her people were...