Peace on Earth, and Good Books to All Giveaway

Peace on Earth and Good Books to All   6 Days of Free Books December 21st-26th  The Perfect Countdown to Christmas!!   Everyday we will be offering a free book as we count down to Christmas, plus a bonus book on the 26th!   **Also, don't forget to check out...

Storm Warrior – Snippet 2

Storm Warrior, Storms of Magic Book 4 By P.T. Hylton & Michael Anderle Snippet 2 Unedited Chapter One The Foggy Day glided across the water and raced toward her target, propelled by a powerful wind. “She’s turning!” Elliot called from the crow’s nest. Abbey...

THE DARKEST NIGHT – Snippet 08 of …

UNEDITED The flash of lightening was bright enough, the flash as it vaporized the attack ship with Marc and Stephanie nearly blinded Terek. “Land this fucking thing already, or I’m going to throw up all over you!” Terek yelled as his partner, Leon whooped and yelled...

THE DARK MESSIAH – Snippet 06 of …

UNEDITED OLD DENVER BASE FOR TQB The front living room had the couches removed.  There was a round table, with two chairs. A table stood in the middle, a piece of paper in the middle.  Michael walked past the table and went to the bedroom. It had their bed, made up....