Oriceran Suggested Reading Order
*Denotes end of series
***Denotes future titles not out yet
The Leira Chronicles/Chronicles of Winland Underwood
- Waking Magic – The Leira Chronicles 01
- Release of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 02
- Protection of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 03
- Rule of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 04
Trick or Troll - Dealing in Magic – The Leira Chronicles 05
Christmas at Estelle’s - Theft of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 06
- Enemies of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 07
- Guardians of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 08
- Defender of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 09
- Rise of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 10
- Warrior Magic – The Leira Chronicles 11
- Battle Magic – The Leira Chronicles 12
- Requiem of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 13
- Power of Magic – The Leira Chronicles 14
- Price of Magic– The Leira Chronicles 15*
- One If By Land (CWU)
- Two If By Magic (CWU)
- Three If By Fate (CWU)
- Four If By Power (CWU)
- Five If By Flight (CWU)
- Six If By Honor (CWU)
- Seven If By Luck (CWU)
- Eight If By Choice (CWU)
Case Files of an Urban Witch (Can be read anytime, but fits with first 1/3-1/2 of Leira Chronicles)
The Evermores Chronicles
The Agent Operative (takes place in the Brownstone Era)
TUMB – The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone
IFNE – I Fear No Evil
SNM – School of Necessary Magic
AB – Allison Brownstone
SNM:RC – School of Necessary Magic Raine Campbell Era
- Feared by Hell (TUMB_01)
- Kill the Willing (IFNE_01)
- Rejected by Heaven (TUMB_02)
- Bury the Past but Shoot it First (IFNE_02)
- Eye for an Eye (TUMB_03)
- Reload Faster (IFNE_03)
- Dark is her Nature (SNM_01)
- Bring the Pain (TUMB_04)
- She is The Widow Maker (TUMB_05)
- Dead in Plain Sight (IFNE_04)
- When Angels Cry (TUMB_06)
- Bright is Her Sight (SNM_02)
- Fight Fire With Fire (TUMB_07)
- Hail to the King (TUMB_08)
- Alison Brownstone (TUMB_09)
- Wary is Her Love (SNM_03)
- Strong is her Hope (SNM_04)
- Tomb Raiding PHD (IFNE_05)
- Tomb Raider Emeritus (IFNE_06)*
- One Bad Decision (TUMB_10)
- Wicked is her Smile (SNM_05)
- Fatal Mistake (TUMB_11)
- Karma is a Bitch (TUMB_12)
- Strange is Her Life (SNM_06)
- Vax Humana (TUMB_13)
- One Epic Ring (TUMB_14)
- Spontaneous Justice (TUMB_15)
- Shadow of the Ring (TUMB_16)
- Determined is Her Path (SNM_07)
- The Horsemen Gather (TUMB_17)
- Epic is Her Future (SNM_08) *
- War of the Four Worlds (TUMB_18)
- Ward of the FBI (SNM:RC 01)
- Orphan Witch (SNM:RC 02)
- Special Witch of the FBI (SNM:RC 03)
- Oath of the Witch (SNM:RC 04)
- Cold Case of the Witch (SNM:RC 05)
- Witch Fugitive (SNM:RC 06)
- Untouchable Witch (SNM:RC 07)
- Probationary Agent (SNM:RC 08)
- A Necessary Witch (SNM:RC09)*
- Her Father’s Daughter (AB_01)
- On Her Own (AB_02)
- My Name is Allison (AB_03)
- The Family Business (AB_04)
- The Brownstone Effect (AB_05)
- The Dark Princess (AB_06)
- The Queen’s Daughter (AB_07)
- The Drow Hunter (AB_08)
- Road Trip: BBQ and a Brawl (TUMB_19)
- A Brownstone Response (AB_09)
- A Brownstone Solution (AB_10)
- Keep Your Enemies Closer (AB_11)
- Rise Up (AB_12)
- Dark Reunion (AB_13)
- BBQ Delivered with Attitude (TUMB_20)
- Drow Conqueror (AB_14)
- Drow Triumphant (AB_15)*
- BBQ with a Side of No Apologies (TUMB_21)
- BBQ & STFU (TUMB 22)*
- Go Dwarf Yourself (DBH 01)
- Don’t Give A Dwarf (DBH 02)
- All Dwarfed Up (DBH 03)
- Zero Dwarfs Given (DBH 04)
- Shifter In The Swamp (AONM 01)
- What The Dwarf (DBH 05)
- Dwarf It All (DBH 06)
- Cluster Dwarf (DBH 07)
- Magic in the Marsh (AONM 02)
- For Dwarf’s Sake (DBH 08)
- Curse in the Glades (AONM 03)
- Hex in the Lowlands (AONM 04)
- Evil in the Badlands (AONM 05)
- Big, Bad Mother Dwarf’er (DBH 09)
- Get The Dwarf Out (DBH 10)
- Jinx in the Hinterlands (AONM 06)
- Dwarf ‘Em All (DBH 11)
- Shadow in the Backwater (AONM 07)
- Dwarfin’ Done (DBH 12)*
- Abomination in the Bog (AONM 08)*