Degeneration – Snippet 2

DEGENERATION, THE GHOST SQUADRON Snippet 2 “It’s okay! Come on, pal,” said Eddie. He dashed forward and scooped the kid into his arms, the heat more intense on that side of the room. “Hold on to me.” The child clutched Eddie’s neck tightly and his legs wrapped around...

Formation Audiobook Release

Formation, The Ghost Squadron Book 1 By Sarah Noffke, J.N. Chaney, Michael Anderle Kill the bad guys. Save the galaxy. All in a hard day’s work. After 10 years of wandering the outer rim of the galaxy, Eddie Teach is a man without a purpose. He was one of the toughest...


Chapter One Planet Sagano, Behemoth System. Heat blasted Eddie in the face as he ducked under some fallen trees, and he stayed in a crouch as he sprinted through the burning jungle. The fire at his back was growing in intensity, although the crews had been fighting it...

Bourne – Snippet 1

Bourne, The Ascension Myth Book 8 By Ell Leigh Clarke & Michael Anderle Snippet 1 Unedited   AI Lab, Nefertiti Military Research Facility, Ogg Charles Tergon’s eyes darted from the holoscreen in front of him to a second screen that was streaming code like...

Death Defied Release!

Death Defied, Valerie’s Elites Book Two By Justin Sloan, PT Hylton, Michael Anderle An evil intelligence bent on galactic domination is about to meet the Justice Enforcer. When a mysterious AI demands the release of a criminal, it gets something else instead:...