Committed – Snippet 3

Chapter 2   Aboard The Scamp Princess, Hangar Deck, Gaitune-67   “Okay, another twenty minutes, and that will be all of it. Oz, you got that?”   “Yes. Downloading fine.”   “Good.” Brock leaned back on his haunches from under the console of The Scamp...

Committed – Snippet 2

Base restrooms, Gaitune-67   Molly couldn’t stop her eyes from streaming. Her hands over her mouth, she tried to stifle the sobs. She leaned back against the wall of the restroom stall and put her hands to her head. It was throbbing.   It’s okay. We’re going to...

Committed – Snippet 1

  Aboard The Scamp Princess, Kirox Quadrant   “Okay, space cowboy, you’re up!” Scamp announced cockily over the cockpit audio. Sean opened one eye and then the other, his dream of naked ladies catering to his every whim while he fired guns on the test range...