Nomad Avenged – Snippet 4!

 Here’s your daily hit of Terry Henry Walton! Nomad Avenged – Snippet 4 Terry Henry Walton Chronicles Book 7 By Craig Martelle and Michael Anderle Unedited      Akio saw them clearly in his mind. Five Forsaken and six humans, two of which were kept for...

Snippet 3 from Nomad Avenged!

Nomad Avenged Snippet 03!   It’s summer in the sub-Arctic and there’s so much stuff to do. I even had to cut my grass already. Last year, I had to cut it a month earlier as it was colder and snowier for much longer this year. The tractor is fixed and...

Nomad Avenged – Snippet 2

Terry Henry Walton Chronicles Book 7 Massive reveal in this snippet, so if you want to wait until the book is ready, do not read on! We are shooting for a May 29 publication date. Our big news is that we’re getting our driveway leveled out. It gained an...

Snippet 01 of Nomad Avenged!

  Who’s ready for SNIPPET 01 of Nomad Avenged?!?!?   Terry winced in pain and gasped for air. His nanocytes fought to keep up with the damage done. They were losing the battle.      The chains cut into his wrists; blood dripped slowly down his arms. One...

CHECK THIS OUT!!!!! Four TKG Universe authors, JN Chaney, Amy Duboff, Justin Sloan, and Craig Martelle have stories in this Amazon Best Seller. BUY ON AMAZON Sixteen talented authors. Sixteen remarkable stories. One blockbuster space opera collection. Welcome to...