IT’S HELL TO CHOOSE – Snippet 9 of …

TQB Base, Colorado – USA Bethany Anne and John walked over to the main offices and through where Cheryl Lynn should have been, but wasn’t. Then she passed where Michael should have been and wasn’t as well. John reached ahead of her and put out a hand. She...

IT’S HELL TO CHOOSE – Snippet 08 of …

New York – New York, USA “Sir, Nathan and Ecaterina are here to see you.” Gerry’s secretary informed him. He punched the speaker button, “Thank you, Ashley. Please send them in.” Gerry finished the email he was working on and stood up as the door to his office opened...

IT’S HELL TO CHOSE Snippet 07 of …

TQB Base, Colorado – USA The lawyers from Mill, Sethy, and Brimer followed Cheryl Lynn down the hall.  All of them passed a sharp dressed man lounging in the hallway.  Their guide nodded her head, “Michael.”  He nodded his head to her as the men stepped around...

IT’S HELL TO CHOOSE – Part 5 of …

New York City, NY – USA “I’m telling you; they have to have technology that they absolutely need to provide to the world!” Johann Pecora spoke to the assembled men and women in a sub-assembly for the Advancement of the Human Race. While it was a very auspicious...