Rogue Instigator – Snippet 1

Giles Kurns: Rogue Instigator By Ell Leigh Clarke & Michael Anderle Unedited Arlene Bailey’s Laboratory, Skóli Uppstigs Academy, Spire, Estaria Anne padded down the corridor of the main campus building, following the faux tweed almost of Professor Giles Kurns....

Activated Audiobook Release!

Activated, The Ascension Myth Book 2 By Ell Leigh Clarke & Michael Anderle In the future, even the broken can make a change… When Molly gets called onto a case that she is uniquely qualified for, the team discovers a little more about her past. In the race...

Bourne Release!

Bourne, The Ascension Myth Book 8 By Ell Leigh Clarke & Michael Anderle Amazon  The same military base where Oz was created witnesses the birth of another AI. The only problem? The military is the one who sets the ground rules. So, what is a new daddy AI supposed...

Bourne – Snippet 4

  Chapter 2   Gaitune-67, Hangar Deck   Paige carefully picked her way down the steps to the hangar deck. She was often seen trotting around the base in high heels, but these on her feet were her going out ones. This meant they had at least an extra inch to them...

Bourne – Snippet 3

Gaitune-67, Safe house labs, Paige’s office  Maya poked her head around the door, grinning. She stopped when she realized that Paige was on a call. Paige glanced up and held up a finger to Maya before continuing on her call. “That sounds great, Mr. Bilton. I’ll have...