We’re kicking off another week. I don’t know about you, but I like it when a book releases on Monday. It gives me something to look forward to after the weekend. And when it’s a favorite series for all of you, it makes me even happier.

Not only do we have a fan favorite series with a new release this week, but we also have a new series for you to check out as well. And from what I’ve read of it, it will also be a fan favorite! I’ve included a snippet from the book releasing on Thursday for you to enjoy!​​

I have 2 amazing books launching this week and one of those kicks off a new series. We also have one book already out as of this morning! That’s pretty sweet for a Monday!

This Week’s New Releases

Title: Basic Witch
Series: The Nomad Witch Book 6
Release Date: 07/22/2024

Scarlett Prynne, Runeclaw, The Spell Riders, and the Witches on Wheels beat down the Chrome Ghosts and disrupted the Luminous Veil’s plans once again.

The Veil didn’t like that. Not one murderous bit. And if Scarlett shows up in their sights again, they won’t hold back.

And, of course, Scarlett being who she is, she’s looking for an opportunity to do just that.

The Veil’s mind control collars are a looming threat, and Scarlett and her allies are doing their best to get the dirt on them.

Step one is breaking into the mansion of the one Bald Baddie they’ve identified. What’s a little breaking and entering for a good cause, right?

One clue will lead to the next, and each of them will lead Scarlett and her allies into greater danger.

Behind the scenes, Camus pushes forward day by day on his plan to use the collars to give the Veil unprecedented power in the country, and eventually, the world.

Only one troublesome witch and ferocious feline stand in their way. Fortunately, they have the Witches, the Riders, and the Federal Agents of Magic at their backs.

But will it be enough to prevent more kidnappings? More collarings? And the achievement of the Veil’s goals?

Only one way to find out.

For action, magic, snarky banter, martial arts, mystical creatures, and a dash of mystery, join Scarlett and Runeclaw on their next adventure.

Title: The Huntress
Series: Lost and Forsaken Book 1
Release Date: 07/25/2024

A human, a fae huntress, and a quest for survival.

Cian Brennan thought he was just an average guy, until he met Eilidh, a sidhe fae huntress who turns his world upside down.

Bound together by a mysterious prophecy, they must navigate a hidden world of magic and danger to uncover the truth about Cian’s past.

When a rogue mage targets Cian, Eilidh must cast aside her aloof nature and oath of secrecy to protect him.

Enlisting a quirky pixie and mischievous pooka, she draws Cian into a world of magic and peril he never imagined.

Time is running out, and the fate of both the human and fae worlds hangs in the balance.

Can Cian and Eilidh embrace their destiny and protect those they love? Or will they succumb to the forsaken forces hunting them, losing themselves and all they care for?

Life can change in a minute. For Cain, one minute he was worried about a dead-end job and what was for lunch, the next he was worried about monsters and fairies. Find out why!