Bang Bang All the Way

Bang Bang All the Way

Santa's not just delivering presents. He's delivering justice.

Kris Kringle isn't your average Santa. By day, he spreads Christmas cheer. By night, he's a skilled operative, battling sinister forces that threaten the innocent.

When the Syndicate of Shadows threatens philanthropist Madeline Hart and businesswoman Emily Hawthorne, Kris springs into action. Armed with high-tech gear and centuries of experience, he goes after the criminal organization.

But the Syndicate's reach extends further than Kris imagined. He uncovers a web of corruption involving powerful politicians. With each confrontation, the stakes grow higher in a dangerous world where the line between naughty and nice blurs.

To save the women and dismantle the Syndicate, he'll need every trick in his arsenal and maybe a little Christmas magic to succeed.

Will Kris save Madeline and Emily and dismantle the Syndicate? Or will his mission of mercy become a Yuletide bloodbath?

Michael Anderle

with Michael Anderle

Michael Anderle (ok, weird talking about myself in the 3rd person) (1967-Hopefully a long time from NOW) was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble - a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read!

Ok, done with all of that 3rd person stuff.

In the first 20 years, I mostly read Science Fiction and Fantasy. In the last 10 years I have enjoyed Urban Fantasy and Military Fiction. With this background, I've been blessed with creating The Kurtherian Gambit series, a well-selling, and fan loved, collection of stories.

The fans have propelled these stories beyond my wildest imagination and they should get all of the credit for sharing with friends, family and occasionally the random person on the street. They are fantastic!

Other LMBPN Books in the "Kringle's Classified Ops"
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