Game of Serfs: Book Three
Not everyone is happy with what Benjy and Marty are building. Or rather, they’re unhappy that they’re not the ones in charge.
The birth pangs of a new community are hard enough to navigate, but what happens when jealousy leads to a rivalry that could strangle this newborn wonder?
While others scheme, Benjy and Marty have a kingdom to establish, mouths to feed, and shelter to provide. There are raiders to repel, secrets to uncover in the dungeons below, and subjects to appoint to the kingdom’s offices.
The right royal mason will raise strong walls, but the wrong one could send them crumbling with one fell stroke of hammer on chisel.
The crown may be heavy, but that doesn’t mean one man must bear it all alone.
Trusting people is a necessary vulnerability, and they must choose wisely. The dragons have changed the world forever, and now they are searching for dominions to claim as their own.
Benjy’s and Marty’s experiment in self-government looks like a tasty treat to snatch up while it is still so young and tender.
Can our heroes protect the safe haven for humanity they’ve created? Or will the overwhelming odds of internal plotting and fire-breathing enemies at their door prove too much to handle?