Pixels And Poltergeists
Since myth and legend started coming to life, Penny has seen everything. Werewolves, ghosts, witches, gods, spooky video games… wait, what?
It seems the stories told through the ages aren’t all as old as the hills (or Agent Crenel). Weird stuff is coming through, the sort of stuff only recent generations could have come up with.
It’s not just Nigerian princes and ‘like for a cure’ memes, either. One of Penny’s friends stumbled on a conspiracy involving a secret government agency, some missing people… and a computer game.
Now, he’s missing, and it’s up to her to find him.
Penny and Boots are working the case with Cisco, while trying to dodge creepy professors, dealing with break-ins, and recovering from the Worst. Date. Ever. (It wasn’t her fault, really!).
What do you get when you cross Area 51, Space Invaders, and a rip in the Veil? One BIG mystery. And Penny and Boots will solve it… if they don’t die first.