Soul Harvest
The legends didn’t do Dracula justice.
Bat shifting is one thing. The ability to connect his mind to any he’d sired was an ability severely understated in the stories.
His horde is like a bloodsucking Borg collective.
Add to that his abilities to travel the astral plane and hypnotize his victims with a glance and his butt-load of money… There’s a creek, and a paddle, and I’ve lost my paddle.
I’ve defeated a god or two in my day. I’ve never faced an enemy like this.
It may be my biggest challenge yet, but we have one advantage.
All of Dracula’s victims show up on the Grim Reaper’s schedule.
Can we harvest the souls he’s gathering before he gets to them to turn them?
The more vampires he turns, the stronger he gets. If I don’t take him down soon, his vampires will overrun the city. After that, the continent.
Maybe even the world.