WE HAVE CONTACT Snippet 10 of …

QBS ArchAngel Bethany Anne looked out across the representatives and smiled, “Now, I am open for questions.” The immediate merging of ten different voices caused Bethany Anne to put up her hand, “Please, I can’t do this with all of you shouting at once.” One of the...

Don’t Cross This Line – The Hidden Snippet

T-MINUS 48 HOURS… QBBS Merideth Reynolds – Inside Bethany Anne’s Suite Bethany Anne, Ashur, John, Darryl, and Jean Dukes appeared in the specially built Queen’s transference room. It was a thirty-foot diameter, fourteen-foot high room with a simple rubber...

All I Want For Christmas is Books: Free Book Giveaway

All I Want for Christmas is Books! We know you feel the same!   Here at LMBPN we want to make your Christmas wishes come true by giving away a FREE BOOK every day this week all the way up to Christmas day. Our very own book advent calendar.  During those extra days...