cropped-Death-Becomes-Her-Cover.jpgThe third book in The Kurtherian Gambit series is moving along and about a third complete for the first draft.  At this pace, I hope to have the draft complete by the 27th (not sure what will happen around Thanksgiving for writing time).

Assuming no major business interactions etc. etc. (read this as If nothing in life causes a problem) I’ll be releasing the book by Dec 7th. Possibly as early as the end of November.  That would be VERY cool as I would then have released the first three in one month. Once the third book hits, I’ll probably spend some time working on the marketing of the series as I start the fourth book.  This will, of course, mean the fourth book gets written a little slower.

So far, the series is being read in the US, Canada, Great Britain and Australia (based on the currency of my income from the sales).  I want to find a way to get the books translated but I feel pretty confident that the cost is too prohibitive at this time. I hope you are enjoying the series as much as I am enjoying writing them.  

Check out the Facebook page (link in the books) for almost daily updates. Take care! Michael