Nomad’s Justice Release!

They say that behind every great man is a great woman…but what if that woman is a Werewolf? North Chicago begins to thrive and a return trip to New York City shows Terry and Char something they didn’t expect. Terry Henry Walton envisioned the Force de Guerre as a unit...

Nomad’s Justice Snippet 5!

SNIPPET 05! Nomad’s Justice – coming Monday, April 10th (US) This will be the last snippet because the book is on the home stretch! It doesn’t get any better than that. It’s snowing here in Fairbanks. We have an extra inch to add to the feet of...


SNIPPET 04 Terry Henry Walton Chronicles – Book 6, Nomad’s Justice I looked at the calendar and realized holy schnitzengrubens! It’s been three days and I need to drop a snippet while I’m waiting for the manuscript back from my editor. Here I...

Nomad’s Justice Cover Reveal!

COVER REVEAL! Hot off Andrew Dobell’s computer, the cover for Terry Henry Walton Chronicles, Book 6. It will probably be another couple weeks before the manuscript is ready, but that is churning its way through the process. I’m still doing my edits and am...