There is one thing you do not do… go after Brownstone’s family.
Powerful entities on Oriceran listen to prophecy and fear a threat to their home world.
That isn’t the only threat they should worry about.
Whispy Doom is forever trying to get James to upgrade, perhaps for the last time?
What will happen when beings who believe themselves to be invincible do the unthinkable?
Now, there are Brownstones on two worlds, and one young son growing up.
And amongst it all, you have Shay Brownstone as well. There is one, and only one rule that dangerous people should know and take to the bank.
You don’t screw with Brownstone… any of them.
Go up and click Read Now or Buy Now to find out what happens when James reminds everyone why they should fear the Granite Ghost.
** The original ‘start’ the Brownstone saga is included at the end of the Author Notes… See how different the first start to the story became!