Handmade Happenstance
Jemma Nox, holler witch in training, has discovered that there's more to Kalhoun County than meets the eye. Could things be about to get even stranger?
Old hurts and buried skeletons refuse to stay in the shadow of the past. Buckle up, darling. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The county is divided when company men start crawling over the Mountain, but that’s not the worst of it. Illness sweeps through the younger residents, while everyone else in town takes sides over whether this is their big break or the beginning of the end for their way of life.
Mama B insists that she's the only one who can end the division, but Jemma isn’t sure that she's cut out for the job. Even with her friends Easter and Val helping, she's going to have her hands full.
All Jemma can do is put her shoulder to the wheel.
The wheel keeps on turning as Jemma dives deeper into the lore of her newfound calling. Yet, the deeper she goes, the more questions she has. Not just about Kalhoun County, but about herself.
Is this really who she is? What she's meant to do? If not, why has she taken to it like a duck to water?
Scroll up and click BUY NOW or READ FOR FREE and pick up the next installment of Marmalade and Magic to continue the tale of homespun secrets, ancient knowledge, and sticky strangeness in Kalhoun County.