Southwest Truths

Southwest Truths

Sometimes the only way out of trouble is blowing up everything and everyone around you.

When a mysterious enemy starts assassinating sorcerers, Lyssa ends up as their next target. Corruption stalks the Illuminated Society, and she’s unsure who among her so-called allies is plotting against her. It doesn’t help that as a woman who makes her living taking down dangerous criminals and terrorists, she’s built up a huge list of dirtbags who would gladly pay to see her dead.

What do you do when the truth doesn’t set you free?

Not one to wait around for trouble, Lyssa takes the fight to the enemy. When more conspiracies come to light, she’ll travel to the heart of the Society to uncover the dark secrets around her brother’s disappearance and the dangerous spirit she’s kept at her side for six years.

But no plan survives contact with the enemy.

Lyssa isn’t ready to stop until the scum conspiring against her are destroyed. Blood and bullets will spill from Arizona to the Indian Ocean. It’s time for the Semiautomatic Sorceress to put her life and soul on the line.

Go up and click ‘Read for Free’ or ‘Buy Now’ and continue Lyssa's adventure in Southwest Truths!

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About the Author
Kal Aaron

with Michael Anderle

Kal Aaron loves a good challenge, whether it's intelligence analysis, programming, or research science. After years of bouncing around the academic and corporate worlds, he was blessed with a family and the rare opportunity to make a living telling entertaining lies.

When not imagining dangerous fantasy worlds, he spends his time in the deserts of the American Southwest with his feisty wife, children, and pet bird.

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