Spells, Wishes, & Retribution

Spells, Wishes, & Retribution

A fairy godmother in danger. A cave with a grudge. Will Charlotte escape, or lose everything?

Charlotte Weaver never expected to face a dark entrance to nowhere, with a vendetta. But here she is, trapped in an enchanted cavern that's hellbent on their destruction.

The former ice queen's creation is spiraling out of control, and Charlotte must forge an unlikely alliance to survive. The cave's dark magic threatens not just their freedom, but even their sanity. Each step they take reveals new horrors and will push them to their limits.

Will Charlotte uncover the true extent of the Grand Godmother's treachery? The fairy godmother is racing against time to find an escape, but the cave's malevolent influence is growing stronger by the second.

Sir Thomas, that cat with a sword, is falling victim to a spell that may be irreversible, leaving Charlotte to face an agonizing choice. With the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance, she must decide how far she's willing to go.

Who does she save?

If Charlotte fails, all life as they know it could cease to exist.

The ice queen once sought revengeCharlotte Weaver seeks retribution.

Will Charlotte find a way to save her friends and all of existence? Or will her quest for retribution lead to the destruction of everything she holds dear?

Find out in the next exciting episode of Spells & Wishes. Grab your copy to see what happens!

Martha Carr

with Michael Anderle

Okay, I'm a late bloomer who's a big DC comics fan and spent my childhood summers on the Jersey shore in the U.S. but have had a weird wanderlust to live in different parts of America ever since. That's enough about me. Need to feel inspired today? Looking for something to make you root for an ordinary hero? I'm all about that in everything I write.

I love a good tale that makes me wonder about things and I love a story even more that leaves me feeling inspired or like I'm capable of doing more than I realized. That's my goal with everything I've ever written. Some of the stories I tell involve twisting, turning thrillers and others have a lot of magic.

There's something to be said for getting lost in another world and coming out the other side feeling a little better about yourself or the possibilities in front of you. That's basically the best part of life in a nutshell, no matter what kind of story I'm setting out to tell.

Thank you for checking out my stories! There's more at www.oriceran.com.

Join us on Facebook to hear about new books, giveaways, an idea rolling around about a universe-wide scavenger hunt at the end of the year and more. If you like the series please leave a review and send me a note. More adventures to follow - and thanks for sticking with me.

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