Suddenly Magical

Suddenly Magical

The dead can’t hurt you, unless they come back to life…

Rose Beaufont has enough to deal with in her new life as a witch hunter.

Study magic—check.

Deal with the House of Fourteen—check.

Search for the book with the Shadow Walker coven’s secrets—check.

Get to know long, lost relatives—check.

Deal with the dead who have been brought back to life by a necromancer…no check.

Rose Beaufont is quickly learning that her new life is full of complications.

For every win, there are many setbacks.

She might have made the first arrest of a Shadow Walker witch, but that doesn’t mean hunting down the coven will be any easier.

Rose needs to find her great-aunt’s book.

Then she can discover how to bring down the coven.

But along the way, she must learn how to use magic, how to fight, how to become a Beaufont and exactly who she is—which is a brand-new type of warrior.

Can Rose embrace both her family and her magic to stop mortals before they destroy themselves?

The future depends on it.

Sarah Noffke

About Sarah Noffke
Sarah Noffke, a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author, writes YA and NA science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. In addition to being an author, she is a mother, podcaster and professor. Noffke holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business/writing courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters. Noffke's books are top rated and best-sellers on Amazon. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian.

To stay up to date with Sarah please visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter:

Listen to Sarah's podcast, LA Chicks, available on iTunes and Spotify:

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