Update for Sales by Purchase, or Sales by Pages Read

So, a few weeks ago I mentioned that my Kindle Select income was substantially out growing my income when paid by the book.  This has evened out.  I still make more from those who read using Kindle Unlimited, however; it is about neck and neck before Amazon takes...

Status on Love Lost – The Kurtherian Gambit 03

The third book in The Kurtherian Gambit series is moving along and about a third complete for the first draft.  At this pace, I hope to have the draft complete by the 27th (not sure what will happen around Thanksgiving for writing time).Assuming no major business...

Queen Bitch Released!

The latest release of The Kurtherian Gambit Series, Queen Bitch, has been released!  It is available exclusively on Amazon for the next 90 days.  I really appreciate the reviews for Death Becomes Her and I hope everyone likes the next installment. In this book,...