Guardians of Tristholm

Guardians of Tristholm

Roll 15 for persuasion…and 1 for luck.

Note: This book was previously released as part of the megabook The Trials of Tristholm.

Lorelai is settling in as part of the Blue Dagger Society.

The guild return to Tristholm, where they have two missions: Help Ernie make it to the city safely, and find out what's happening at the healers’ temple.

No one has heard from the priests there in some time.

The group secures the temple and a means to quickly travel between the two cities, but Tristholm is under attack.

The werewolves’ attack the on city is made worse by the incoming army of undead.

The Blue Dagger Society must join the defense of the kingdom or lose everything.

Can Tim and the team make a difference in the battle to save the city of Tristholm?

Look Inside
About the Author
Bradford Bates

with Michael Anderle

About Bradford Bates
Bradford Bates is a full-time author, husband to an incredible wife, and father to four furry rescue dogs. He lives in sunny Phoenix Arizona, trying not to melt in the oppressive heat of the summer. When he isn't busy writing the next book, you can find him playing video games, and watching scary movies.

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