Light The World
How can you be sure a war fought in the shadows is over?
Lyssa’s dramatic victory on Last Remnant signaled the end of her lonely crusade. She’s able to relax and bask in the satisfaction of knowing all her efforts saved the people she loved. Hope shines from the future and whispers of sweet possibility.
At least that’s what was supposed to happen.
Corruption bides its time in the darkness.
The Tribunal pulls Lyssa from her well-earned vacation to send against the remnants of the enemy who almost brought down the entire Illuminated Society. The former pariah Sorceress has become the preferred tool of her Elders.
Sometimes a house is so infested the only choice left is to tear down the entire thing.
Reports of terrorist Sorcerers and a bold daylight assault on an old friend call for a snarky woman good with two enchanted guns. Even though Lyssa still can’t trust her own newly enhanced powers, the world can’t wait.
She thought she was done with the past. It just wasn’t done with her.
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