Sons of the Lords
Angel didn’t expect life after death to be so heavenly.
Two years have passed since she joined the Daughters of the Watchers. Her family has grown to include the other Daughters, and she has new job in the coffee shop where Pretzel works. She even has a date lined up with a hottie!
A romantic stroll in Central Park ends with an unwelcome introduction.
The Daughters are understandably wary of the Nephilim who claim they want to be free of their fathers’ influence. Angel also has to contend with the brother she never knew existed.
A contentious decision is made to bring in outside assistance when the Daughters discover Nephilim associated with are trafficking female hybrids through Raina’s father’s company.
Betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow…
The Furies accompany the Daughters to the port to free the young girls. Angel and her friends find themselves at the center of the demonic conspiracy when a seer’s vision places them at the rescue operation.
Danger at the docks brings FBI agent Daniel Ortega back into Angel’s world, and with him comes someone from Gypsy’s past.
Can the Daughters and the Furies put aside their differences and work together to prevent Diablos from reaching his goal? Or is everything they’ve fought for a lie?