The Perilous Secrets

The Perilous Secrets

The Magic Academy of Paris is back in session, and danger is brewing in book three of the series. Can Samantha and David survive what's lurking in the shadows of Paris?

A chilling discovery sets Marcus and Helena on edge - a menacing power growing in an ancient library. But what exactly is it? Is it a foreboding sign of the times to come?

On the brink of a new school year, Samantha and David encounter an eerie forest, devoid of life. A frightening revelation forces them back to Ravenwood Academy, but will they find solace or further peril?

As secrets unravel, Samantha, David, and Marcus set off on a treacherous journey. The closer they get to the truth, the darker their world becomes. But what are they walking into?

With the ominous Crimson Cabal's agents in the shadows, the stakes have never been higher. Will our heroes save their world or is the Magic Academy of Paris doomed?

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