The Shark In The Deep Dark
The future has amazing technology. Our alien allies have magic—and human Witches are training alongside Meligorn mages.
Please Note: This book was previously published as part of the megabook Witch of the Federation V.
New ships and familiar faces come together with the realization that they have been working toward the same goal—and the navy is not part of the equation.
Stephanie and BURT have come full circle.
ONE R&D’s efforts are reaching fruition. BURT’s understanding of magic grows further with Stephanie’s assistance, and Tethis’ instruction gives Stephanie the push she needed to hit a new level.
Training takes on a new aspect as the new crews learn to work with the Ebony Knight.
Will they figure out how to function as a unit outside of the Virt World?
They need to get Witches on their crews, but the navy is focused on a recruiting drive.
Time for a change of name…
BURT is always a step ahead. Spies aboard his ship present a learning experience—for those who wish to steal BURT’s secrets.
Will the Telorans succeed in destroying Meligorn? Or will Stephanie and Morgana intercede and beat them back? In the end, it comes down to “do the ends justify the means?”
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