Merry Beachmas Book Giveaway Day 3

Merry Beachmas! It’s Christmas in July!

5-Day Book Giveaway

Take a closer look at today’s FREE Book

Head to the Giveaway HERE


Tinseltown Trail e-book coverTinseltown Trail:

Ever since Mable was a young elf, all she’s wanted is to be a star.

Her parents would have been happy if her deepest desire was to become part of a constellation. Alas for them, Mable has her sights set on becoming an actress.


Mable’s yearning for the spotlight drives her to leave home. She ventures into the human world to chase her dreams, but finding stardom among the mortals comes with unique challenges.

Hollywood turns out to be less “human world” than she expected.

Mable soon discovers that she isn’t the only nonhuman in Los Angeles. The city is home to the many mythical creatures who have made their way to Tinseltown in search of fame and fortune.

In a world of glitz and glamor, what’s a little bit of magic?

The key to success, according to the Devil.

The literal prince of Hell wanting to be Mable’s agent is only the beginning. Her new roommate is the Greek muse Polyhymnia, and her roomie’s best friend is the sultry Minotaur of Minos’ Labyrinth fame.

Hollywood is a home away from home…until tragedy strikes and Mable is exposed to the truth behind the illusion.

When a young gnome goes missing, Mable and her friends find themselves drawn into the underbelly of the city.The investigation leads them into the dark side of La-La Land and a search fraught with danger, glamor, and intrigue.

Can Mable find the missing gnome without losing her way? Or will success come at the cost of selling her soul?

Get This Book Here FREE




Beach Bound: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway




Bring on The Heat This Wild Wednesday, July 10, 2024


At this point in the summer there is nothing to do but accept the heat, so bring it on, Stay inside, and read!

Wild Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Each week we bring you a list of books from not only LMBPN authors but also friends of ours, that are on sale! Here’s a fantastic opportunity to discover some new authors or some exciting books you may not have seen yet.

Most of these books are FREE in Kindle Unlimited, but all are on sale today.

Please remember to double-check the price before you one-click.



Oriceran Starter Pack:

Welcome to The Revelations of Oriceran. A magical world tied to Earth, and nothing like it. Check out six book ones from six series in this action-packed universe and discover new favorite heroes and heroines who will keep you up late turning the page to find out how the stories end!

Included in this starter pack: Waking Magic, Feared by Hell, House of Enchanted, Magic Ops, Glow, Midwest Magic

Hot Deals Here








Viewer Discretion Advised:

The aliens didn’t conquer Earth. They negotiated exclusive streaming rights instead.  When they arrived on Earth, The Voltaxians offered a simple deal. Allow them to set up dungeons controlled by living intelligent dungeon cores on Earth to generate mana, and they’d share the wealth. A whole new job has now captured the imagination of humanity. Their brave challenges help generate the mana the aliens promise will advance Earth. All the while, these dungeon diving exploits are streamed and broadcast around the world and even into the galaxy via the alien-owned Dungeon Core TV.  Luther Miller has little interest in dungeon diving. His father sacrificed their family ranch to send him to school. He’s done his best to honor that sacrifice by devoting himself to his finance job in New York City. When his father passes way, Luther questions if his career is the best way to carry on the family name. Family honor and intergalactic revenge intertwine in the dark depths of the dungeon.

Hot Deals Here






Diplomat’s Apprentice Series Sale:
Book 1 FREE Book 2-4 99¢

From Book 1: The best laid plans . . . Fall apart when family gets involved! Anwyn’s family has always assumed that she’d follow in the footsteps of her illustrious mother and uncle as a diplomat and eventual head of state. But Anwyn is an impulsive rule-breaker, and she’s made other plans: getting off her home planet and seeing the galaxy after training as a starship pilot. Persuaded to go with her uncle on one diplomatic mission, Anwyn arrives at a planet in the midst of a violent uprising. Space battles, daring rescues, dramatic chases, firefights and yes, even a bit of diplomacy, all make for a more exciting trip than Anwyn could have imagined.

Head to Book One Here







Superdeadnought complete omnibus e-book coverSuperdreadnought: The Complete Series:

Alone and unafraid. Sometimes you prevent war by hunting down your enemies.
From Book 1 Superdreadnought 1: Integrated with a superdreadnought, the artificial intelligence known as Reynolds takes his ship across the universe in search of the elusive Kurtherians. He comes to a revelation. He’s better in the company of living creatures. He needs a crew. He needs information. And he needs to continue his search and destroy mission. Needing a crew and getting a crew are two completely different things. Reynolds is out of his element as he tries to reach out and make friends. Through it all, he has his vessel, the superdreadnought, the most powerful warship in the galaxy. Or so he believes.

Hot Deals Here






The Peter Brandvold intro library e-book coverPeter Brandvold Introductory Library:

From Sheriff Ben Stillman Series: Playing poker, smoking cigarettes, and drinking whiskey—retirement is treacherous business for ex-lawman Ben Stillman. But when the past comes looking for him, can the worn-out old lawman live up to the legendary lawman he once was?
From .45 Caliber Series: Cuno Massey’s thirst for revenge runs deep. Deeper than his skills. But when Rolf Anderson and Sammy Spoon kill his stepmother and father, nothing will stand in his way. He’ll even ride straight through hell for the bittersweet taste of revenge.

Hot Deals Here







Western-fiction e-book coverWestern Fiction Ten Pack:

 Rugged ranchers. Vengeful lawmen. Can brothers torn apart by war make peace and find a lost treasure? Will an orphan-turned-sheriff fulfill his lifelong quest for vengeance? What will it take for deserters, decorated veterans, and an Apache scout to pull off a death-defying rescue mission? When you live your life by the gun, it’s only a matter of time before the past catches up… From grizzly dens in the Rockies to no-man’s-lands teeming with outlaws, After these trailblazers track down fugitives, battle natural disasters, and ride into danger, who among them will be left?

Hot Deals Here





Beach Bound: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway


If you see this message after July 10th, 2024, and want to be notified of future price promotions, please sign up for our newsletter at










Merry Beachmas Book Giveaway Day 2

Merry Beachmas! It’s Christmas in July!

5-Day Book Giveaway

Take a closer look at today’s FREE Book

Head to the Giveaway HERE


Diplomat’s Apprentice:

The best laid plans . . . Fall apart when family gets involved!

Anwyn’s family has always assumed that she’d follow in the footsteps of her illustrious mother and uncle as a diplomat and eventual head of state. But Anwyn is an impulsive rule-breaker, and she’s made other plans: getting off her home planet and seeing the galaxy after training as a starship pilot.

Persuaded to go with her uncle on one diplomatic mission, Anwyn arrives at a planet in the midst of a violent uprising.

Space battles, daring rescues, dramatic chases, firefights and yes, even a bit of diplomacy, all make for a more exciting trip than Anwyn could have imagined. For her uncle has a hidden past that comes to light when they run into a small, specialized band of freelance agents with their own agenda, who know her uncle far too well.

Anwyn will find unexpected allies and dangerous adversaries. But she will need to learn to think before she acts if she wants to help her uncle and survive her journey as a Diplomat’s Apprentice?

Get This Book FREE HERE





Beach Bound: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway





Merry Beachmas Book Giveaway Day 1

Merry Beachmas! It’s Christmas in July!

5-Day Book Giveaway

Take a closer look at today’s FREE Book

Head to the Giveaway HERE


Viewer Discretion Advised:

The aliens didn’t conquer Earth. They negotiated exclusive streaming rights instead.

Unbeknownst to humanity, the powerful Voltaxians controlled the galaxy, their vast empire fueled by their monopoly on mana. Humanity feared invasion, only to find out the godlike aliens had something far different in mind.

The Voltaxians offered a simple deal. Allow them to set up dungeons controlled by living intelligent dungeon cores on Earth to generate mana, and they’d share the wealth.

Dungeon explorers push into these intelligent dungeons and battle the monsters inside. All the while, these dungeon diving exploits are streamed and broadcast around the world and even into the galaxy via the alien-owned Dungeon Core TV. A man used to be able to get by with loyalty and a strong back. Luther Miller has little interest in dungeon diving. His father sacrificed their family ranch to send him to school. He’s done his best to honor that sacrifice by devoting himself to his finance job in New York City. When his father passes way, Luther questions if his career is the best way to carry on the family name.

Family honor and intergalactic revenge intertwine in the dark depths of the dungeon.

Get This Book FREE HERE



Beach Bound: $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


🆕 Release alert: Swoon-worthy romance, leveled-up LitRPG & spellbinding urban fantasy

I thought last week was a crazy busy week, but I should have known better. This week is going to be even busier! I hope you like hearing from me because you’re going to hear from me a few more times than normal this week! You already heard from yesterday and now today. Then tomorrow, Wednesday and Saturday! But you all love me because I bring you news you want to actually read, right? (Don’t tell me otherwise, I might have to eat a lot of chocolate and that won’t bode well for my figure.)

I have 3 fantastic books launching this week; the first came out today! That makes for a great Monday, right?

P.S. If you missed the special going on over at Storius, go check out the Alison Brownstone Audio Bundles (Books 1-8 and Books 9-15). They’re a steal!

This Week’s New Releases

Title: Lean on Me
Release Date: 07/08/2024

A perfect life… or the perfect lie?

Sixteen, wealthy, popular, and dating the hottest guy in school, my life seems ripped from the pages of a magazine. But those achievements create a spotlight that casts dangerous shadows.

When a pregnancy test shatters my illusions, I discover how quickly everything can change.

My boyfriend, Jake, the town’s football hero, will let nothing derail his future. Not even our baby.

Betrayed and alone, I’m left fighting for my life against the boy everyone thinks is perfect. With only my best friend, Matt, on my side, I’m determined to protect the tiny life growing inside me.

But in a world where image is everything and Jake can do no wrong, can I survive his wrath and expose the truth behind his perfect facade?

Will my child and I become another statistic, or will we triumph against the odds stacked against us?

Lean on Me is a stand-alone novel and contains subjects that may be difficult to read for some such as DV, teen pregnancy, and discussions of pregnancy loss. Please check the full list of trigger warnings at the beginning of the book.

Title: Jewel of the Night’s Mantle
Series: Valerie Stonehold Book 4
Release Date: 07/10/2024

She’s the last line of defense against an ancient evil.

Valerie Stonehold, an Iron Dwarf blacksmith, never expected her craftsmanship would play a crucial role in protecting the paranormal world from the Wild Hunt.

With her loyal companion Shadow by her side and a team of unlikely allies, Val embarks on a perilous journey filled with danger, magic, and unexpected twists.

Tasked with safeguarding Gaia’s Sickle, a powerful artifact capable of imprisoning the formidable Kronos, Valerie finds herself at the center of a looming conflict.

She’ll need to push her skills to the limit to protect those she holds dear and maintain the delicate balance between the human and paranormal worlds.

Will Valerie’s iron will and the strength of her friendships be enough to overcome the ancient evil that threatens to plunge both worlds into chaos? Or will the villains of the Wild Hunt reclaim their power and unleash untold destruction?

Title: May Contain Violence
Series: Dungeon Core TV Book 6
Release Date: 07/12/2024

Can free will exist when all choices are taken away?

Luther’s world is turned upside down by the mysterious death of Ava Schneider, threatening to unravel the true goals of the enigmatic alien organization known as the Will of the Legacy.

Determined to chart his own path, Luther seeks to separate Team Cowboy from the self-appointed guardian aliens desperate to recruit him to their zealous cause.

Navigating dangerous confrontations with disgruntled aliens, they must focus on strengthening themselves for a showdown with Earth’s most powerful and treacherous dungeon. Every step must be calculated to ensure their survival.

It’s easy to win when you’ve mastered the rules of the game. What happens when your opponent changes all the rules before you start?

Team Cowboy has defied all odds. But when faced with the infamous Yokohama Abyss, they discover that not every enemy plays by the rules of dungeon exploration.

With millions of lives hanging in the balance, Luther, Cez, and Team Cowboy must confront their greatest challenge yet. Failure is not an option.

Will they emerge victorious, or will the abyss claim them forever?

It’s time for Christmas in July and we have gifts for you! We’ll send an email out tomorrow with links to all the books, but here’s the first two books and if you click the image above, you can visit a page that has all the books on it!

Merry Beachmas 5 Day Christmas in July Book Giveaway

Merry Beachmas! It’s Christmas in July!

Take a sneak peek at the 5-Day book giveaway

The best way to spread Christmas in July cheer is to shout it loud for all to hear.

This week we are giving away the first book in five different series. Here at LMBPN we want to shout from the rooftops that it’s time to hit the beach with a stack of new reads! 

Check-in every day to grab your FREE book.

Click the banners below to head to the giveaway.

Viewer Discretion Advised

FREE July 8th

A Silent Death

FREE July 11th

Diplomat’s Apprentice

FREE July 9th

Tinseltown Trail

FREE July 10th

Quantum Conjurations

FREE July 12th

Beach Bound: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway

Star Studded Fan Pricing Saturday, July 6, 2024

These books are filled with star quality main characters!

Fan Pricing Saturday, July 6, 2024

Note: We requested the price changes from Amazon on Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, they don’t change all of the prices at one time. Please double-check the price before clicking “Buy”.
All of these new releases are 99c for one day only!
And they are also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Grab them today before the prices go up!

Ho-Ho-Ho Hostility

Mercenary’s Apprentice

Revenge So Sweet

The Accountant’s Ledger

Fall of The Dragon

Secret Agent Witch Complete Series Boxed Set

Beach Bound: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway

If you see this message after July 6th and want to be notified of future price promotions, please sign up for our email list at

Fireworks and Wild Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Get ready for the 4th of July with some awesome deals!

Wild Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Each week we bring you a list of books from not only LMBPN authors but also friends of ours, that are on sale! Here’s a fantastic opportunity to discover some new authors or some exciting books you may not have seen yet.

Most of these books are FREE in Kindle Unlimited, but all are on sale today.

Please remember to double-check the price before you one-click.



Secret Agent Witch Complete Series Boxed Set:

Aisling thought she’d been hired to be a secret agent – then found that Dragonfly required new recruits, even skilled witches like her, to prove themselves. One clue leads to the next, and she’s assigned to work with Lance Stone on a mission. Small crimes herald larger ones, and the larger ones suggest a mysterious organization lurking in the shadows. The mission is simple: Infiltrate, discover and escape. And simple never meant easy. Fortunately, Aisling’s newest creation of technology and magic – a mechanical Dragon about the size of an eagle – has just been improved by her infomancer coworker and given a cutting-edge artificial intelligence. A danger is on the horizon, and the coven’s guardian is worried. Will it get in the way of Aisling’s new job? The investigator-turned-agent wouldn’t have it any other way.

Explosive Deals Here





Primal Link:
All Book on Sale for .99¢

Missions to alien planets have resulted in interactions with strange beings in the past, but never on this level. When Marine Corporal Goshawk becomes part of the search team tasked with locating some missing SEALs, he expected action and plenty of it. After all, they had to send in Marines to rescue SEALs. What he didn’t expect was that the mission would completely transform him, body and spirit. As new threats from strange beings continually challenge the team and their mission rapidly spirals out of control, odd allies emerge in unexpected places. It’s no joyride for Corporal Goshawk and his small fire team, though, because those allies—the very thing that could help them—are driving a wedge between his team and his commanding officer, along with the rest of the Marines.

Head to Book One Here







Game of Serfs complete series boxed setGame of Serfs Complete Series Boxed Set:

It was supposed to be a fun break while school was out for the semester. A chance meeting between Benjamin Draig and Martin “Marty” Ambrose suggests the potential for a great friendship. Both were with different groups of friends just outside of Moab, both on their way to hike through the mountains. But then things went horribly wrong. It’s all Benjamin and Marty can do to stay alive when the earth opens beneath their feet, and they’re swallowed by the mountain. As a fire-spewing monster emerges and spreads its wings to blot out the sky, Benjamin and Marty learn that the comfortable illusion of the world they knew is gone. The world beneath the mountain is impossibly huge, but the sheer size isn’t the only thing that beggars belief. They’ve got to brave the dangers of the dragon’s lair and hope there’s something to defeat the monster razing the country in fire and flames.

Explosive Deals Here






The Agent Operative Complete Series boxed set e-book coverThe Agent Operative Complete Series Boxed Set:

It’s a niche field with unique problems. Somebody gets shrunk down to toadstool size and suddenly everyone’s upset. Welcome to L.A. No worries. Norah will fix it. She has a great family, a crackerjack assistant, and her business is taking off. Until things start going wrong. Actors are being injured, magic is causing accidents, and someone is hunting down former Silver Griffin Agents. Which makes it her business. Her parents are Silver Griffin agents in hiding. Norah never intended to get involved in her parent’s line of work. Whole other kind of agent – with real weapons and injuries that are harder to fix. But someone is muscling in on her business and maybe her life. Can Norah figure out who’s hurting magicals in Hollywood, reverse a curse on her roommate, and save her company? How about just stay alive?

Explosive Deals Here






Beach Bound: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway


If you see this message after July 3rd, 2024, and want to be notified of future price promotions, please sign up for our newsletter at



📚🆕 Triple Treat: This Week’s Must-Read New Releases!

It’s afternoon! I had some technical issues (I know, i know, don’t look too surprised), but now that they’re resolved, I’m here with your new releases for the week. A new series and two releases in series we love always make for a good week for reading, right?

I have 3 amazing books launching this week and the first one released today also launches a new series! That’s pretty sweet for a Monday!

This Week’s New Releases

Title: Ho-Ho-Ho Hostility 
Series: Kringle’s Classified Ops Book 1
Release Date: 07/01/2024

A jolly guardian. A sinister collective. Christmas hangs in the balance.

Meet Kris Kringle. Behind the cheerful facade lies a skilled warrior with a mission: to protect the joy and spirit of Christmas from those who seek to destroy it.

When a sinister organization known as The Shadow Collective threatens to manipulate the stock market and bring global chaos, Kris must step out of the workshop and into the fray.

The Collective’s schemes threaten to unravel the very fabric of the holiday season.

He must infiltrate the shadows, outsmart his enemies, and stop the Collective before they can execute their final, devastating attack.

Will Kris’s unwavering determination and the magic of the North Pole be enough to save Christmas from the forces of greed and corruption?

Or will The Shadow Collective’s ruthless pursuit of power plunge the world into a bleak, joyless winter?

Title: Mercenary’s Apprentice
Series: Diplomat’s Apprentice Book 5
Release Date: 07/02/2024

Will she get her chance to become a mercenary?

Or is she trapped in her prominent family’s political intrigues?

Anwyn Owens anticipates joining the mercenary team she has close ties to. All is going well…

Until an attempt on her uncle’s life threatens to derail a diplomatic mission to Morvaise.

Escalating attacks force him to ask the mercenaries to provide security while they investigate a series of threats. To Anwyn’s annoyance, her uncle requests her to join his diplomatic team “one last time.”

Mounting evidence points at the Hrithain representatives, who want Morvaise to join their empire instead of the League. Is that enough to provoke murder? Or are the Hrithain seeking personal vengeance?

Nor can the team rule out an inside job. Who in the League—or worse, from Anwyn’s own planet—wants her and her uncle removed…permanently?

Adding to the confusion, one highly placed member of the Hrithain royal family is paying more attention to Anwyn than she likes.

Will she and the team be able to avert disaster?

Join Anwyn and her friends as she navigates the challenges, complications, and risks of becoming a mercenary. Two interstellar powers might never be the same after messing with the Mercenary’s Apprentice!

Title: The Misplaced Warrior 
Series: The First Beaufont Book 3
Release Date: 07/05/2024

Not only does she have to prove her innocence, but she’s got to dig up evidence on the Commissioner—showing that he’s the villain behind all the major crimes in Los Angeles. But Charlie Sloane is already one step ahead, planning the biggest attack on the city yet.

Gen has to get out of jail.

She needs to clear her name.

And then, this medieval warrior must discover the truth.

What she learns will change everything. She won’t know who to trust, but she will need help to stop the Commissioner for good.

Can Gen Beaufont expose the mastermind behind the corruption and save Los Angeles from the brink of chaos?

Or will the criminals lurking in the shadows take over, unleashing an evil so rampant that it could consume not just the city, but the entire world?

An Adventure Awaits This Fan Pricing Saturday June 29, 2024

It is officially summer, and we have some great deals to get things going!

Fan Pricing Saturday, June 22, 2024

Note: We requested the price changes from Amazon on Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, they don’t change all of the prices at one time. Please double-check the price before clicking “Buy”.
All of these new releases are 99c for one day only!
And they are also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Grab them today before the prices go up!

Embrace The Void

Gravitum Complete Series Boxed Set

Scoring Fire

Spells, Wishes & Dreams

Witch-Mage Legacy

Turn Up The Heat: $50 Storius Gift Card Giveaway

If you see this message after June 28th, and want to be notified of future price promotions, please sign up for our email list at